Serving & Sharing
Serving & Sharing
We will be adding NEW pictures as we acquire them. Check back for updates.
New Pictures added to the Sanctuary * July 8, 2024
On June 15, 2024,
We were honored to have Bishop Steven Raica Celebrate the Vigil Mass
and Blessing of the New Altar that was installed in the Church.
(Below is our slide show of the entire Ceremony & Mass from beginning to end.)
We were honored to have Bishop Steven Raica Celebrate the Vigil Mass
and Blessing of the New Altar that was installed in the Church.
(Below is our slide show of the entire Ceremony & Mass from beginning to end.)
Below are pictures of the New Altar that was Blessed on June 15th 2024 by Bishop Steven J. Raica.
We Thank Even Perez and his crew for donating this beautiful Landscaping around our outside Crucifix !
Thank You Even!
(Below) Thank you Deacon Rick for the pictures for us to post! 6/12/2024
Thank You Even!
(Below) Thank you Deacon Rick for the pictures for us to post! 6/12/2024
On May 27th, 2024 We took pictures of the "New Pictures"
that are posted in the Narthex, and have them published here for you.
that are posted in the Narthex, and have them published here for you.
Happy Easter !
Easter Vigil Pictures 2024
Below is a collage of Our New Parishioners receiving the Sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and First Communion at the Easter Vigil Ceremony & Mass.
Thank you Deacon Rick for sending us these pictures on 4/4/2024 for publishing!
"Wonderful time with our Cenacolo community at our Parish Thanksgiving meal after Mass!"
"Wonderful time with our Cenacolo community at our Parish Thanksgiving meal after Mass!"
"¡Un tiempo maravilloso con nuestra comunidad del Cenáculo en nuestra comida parroquial de Acción de Gracias después de la Misa!"
"¡Un tiempo maravilloso con nuestra comunidad del Cenáculo en nuestra comida parroquial de Acción de Gracias después de la Misa!"
The New picture of "Our Lady of Guadalupe"
has been installed on the Family life Center north wall facing Gordon Terry Parkway.
Thursday August 31, 2023
has been installed on the Family life Center north wall facing Gordon Terry Parkway.
Thursday August 31, 2023
On Sunday, July 30, 2023
Resurrection Chapel Welcomes our New Guest!
Resurrection Chapel Welcomes our New Guest!
We were Blessed to have Mary D. Dillard - Editor, Reporter of the "One Voice" Diocesan Magazine visit our church.
Mary interviewed several parishioners for an article about the Evangelization effects of Resurrection Chapel on Lawrence County, Moulton and the surrounding area.
Mary is one of the many who work tirelessly behind the scenes for the Dioceses. She is always the one "behind the camera" and is rarely photographed or written about, so it was with special permission that we are blessed with the opportunity to bring her forward for recognition for all of the hard work and hours she spends providing
"The One Voice Magazine"
to the Diocese.
She is a blessing to the Diocese and an asset to our Catholic Church.
THANK YOU Mary for your visit and allowing me, to photograph and write about you, this time.
On Behalf of Resurrection Chapel, Deacon Rick Chenault and all of the parishioners -
Thank you!
You are always welcomed back to our little church!
RMC - Editor, Webmaster - Resurrection Chapel
Mary interviewed several parishioners for an article about the Evangelization effects of Resurrection Chapel on Lawrence County, Moulton and the surrounding area.
Mary is one of the many who work tirelessly behind the scenes for the Dioceses. She is always the one "behind the camera" and is rarely photographed or written about, so it was with special permission that we are blessed with the opportunity to bring her forward for recognition for all of the hard work and hours she spends providing
"The One Voice Magazine"
to the Diocese.
She is a blessing to the Diocese and an asset to our Catholic Church.
THANK YOU Mary for your visit and allowing me, to photograph and write about you, this time.
On Behalf of Resurrection Chapel, Deacon Rick Chenault and all of the parishioners -
Thank you!
You are always welcomed back to our little church!
RMC - Editor, Webmaster - Resurrection Chapel
The picture file above has the photos from Sunday 11, June 2023 & The Ceremony Mass on 18, June 2023.
(See Below)
(See Below)
Thank You to our Sisters for all of their time and work
preparing our Brothers and Sisters for this precious Sacrament!
Thank you Deacon Rick & Deacon Bob for Serving at this Special Occasion!
preparing our Brothers and Sisters for this precious Sacrament!
Thank you Deacon Rick & Deacon Bob for Serving at this Special Occasion!
The Latest pictures (below) from Deacon Rick as of Monday - May 29, 2023.
On Sunday May 28, 2023 we were privileged to welcome Fr Show Reedy Kasu from India who Celebrated both our Spanish and English Mass for Pentecost.
He has celebrated mass for us consistently 2 weekends a month for 5 years from 2013- 2018.
He now serves in his home Diocese in India.
In the picture are two children that received 3 of their Sacraments from him during those 5 years!
Thank you Fr. Reedy!
God Bless!
Our Thanks to Ed Allegro,
Jose Villarreal, Mario Perez, Juan Gaspar, Michael Lee, and Deacon Rick who provided their time and efforts to mount the Crucifix that now hangs on the outside of the church. Another job, well done! May The Lord's blessings be with you all! (Posted on May 7, 2023.) |
Nuestro agradecimiento a Ed Allegro,
José Villarreal, Mario Pérez, Juan Gaspar, Michael Lee y el Diácono Rick que proporcionaron su tiempo y esfuerzos para montar el Crucifijo que ahora cuelga en el exterior de la iglesia. ¡Otro trabajo, bien hecho! ¡Que las bendiciones del Señor estén con todos ustedes! (Publicado el 7 de mayo de 2023.) |
Deacon Rick's Pictures of the New Crucifix on the Front of the Church.
We had 28 Receive their FIRST HOLY COMMUNION! Congratulations!
Thank you to our Sisters for their work teaching the classes for them.
We had 28 Receive their FIRST HOLY COMMUNION! Congratulations!
Thank you to our Sisters for their work teaching the classes for them.
Below are the Photos supplied by Deacon Rick for all of the parishioners to copy and enjoy as of October 21, 2022.
Deacon Rick's File 3 below
Deacon Rick's File 2 below
Deacon Rick's File 1 below.
Below are the Pictures from our old website, as of 19 October 2022.
Copyright © 2023 RMC web services. All rights reserved.
All Picture/s, Logos, etc. are used under permission of the prospective owner/s. No rights are expressed or implied.
NOTE - *All minors photos shown herein are posted with the authorization of their legal guardians.
"RMC web services" is an Online News Reporting service.
All Picture/s, Logos, etc. are used under permission of the prospective owner/s. No rights are expressed or implied.
NOTE - *All minors photos shown herein are posted with the authorization of their legal guardians.
"RMC web services" is an Online News Reporting service.